Sunday, October 24, 2010

Oct 19 - 24

My last week in pictures - it was so busy but i'm glad I managed to keep up:

 Natures beauty
 Our first Spring lamb - born on our first day of shearing
 My first Ben 10 cake - so chuffed with myself!
 My new hairstyle
What a blessing to wake to the sight of puddles everywhere!
Madam Pfaff filthy dirty after playing in a muddy sandpit!

Thanks for looking


Charmaine T said...

HAHAHA! love the last one!!!! They always seem to put on white when they are going to get dirty!!!!

Very nice pics, Shayne!

Lynette Jacobs said...

You look beautiful with the new shorter hair...gorgeous photos the little lamb and the dirty polly;-D

Betty Bake said...

normally our local beach is one of the designated spots for the public to let off their fireworks - so everyone buys their fireworks and goes to the beach and lets them off :) so from our house we can see loads of them - BUT this year the muncipality said no to using our beach and so there was nothing to watch last night :(

it is usually so pretty,

Happy Birthday to your husband

Betty bake