Monday, September 6, 2010

Aug 30 - Sept 6

My week in pictures:

Thanks for looking xx


allie. said...

I love the concept of a pic per day,Shayne.
And your pics are really little stories as well as great photos.

You are so ceative you should be twins!

Lynette Jacobs said...

Love your photos...I always do! Sweet little birdie;-D

Stefanie said...

Great pics.
Now I also know what kind of bird Cleo caught and ate last week.
Keep going with it. I struggle some days.

Marcelle said...

Thanks will add to my blogroll!!!!!

cat said...

Oh the birdie is so cute. Your bookclub will adore "The girl with the dragon tattoo". I have just finished reading the last one in the trilogy (we have all 3 in the club). The Picoult is also one of her nicer ones (I think I have reviewed both of these on the ole Book blog.)