Monday, September 27, 2010

Sept 20 - 27

A glimpse into my past week:

Clever Tashie with her first mole!
Watching Day - such a little ballerina
The drought is evident everywhere
She thinks she's so clever now that she's mastered the art of hanging upside down!
Evidence of Braai Day
Our Coral Tree
A rare sight - a birds nest quite low down
Mangalisa @ 15 months - so cute still.

Thanks for looking guys!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Team Up Thursday

My choice of theme for this week was 'Natural Beauty'.

First up, Cat:
When Shayne came up with 'natural beauty' I half read it and thought I would find a nice anture shot.  Then the thought came to me that she meant natural beauty as in a person and not nature.  Well, she might?  And the greatest natural beauty I know is my princess, untidy after-school hair, dirty face and all, to me, she is a great beauty, as are the Irises that she is holding.

Gorgeous shot huh?

And mine:

When I suggested the topic 'Natural Beauty' to Cat, i had in mind something from nature.  But then i was going through my blog posts and found this one - if this is not natural beauty then i'm not sure what is!  My littlest get's so much airtime on my blog because she is at home, whilst my eldest boards weekly in town - so this is my other natural beauty.  I love everything about this photo, the light, the depth of field, the look on her face (so very her) but most of all I love this daughter of mine more than words can say!
And now, go and visit the other teams who play along with us weekly and give them some feedback!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sept 15 - 19

A peek into my life the last week:

One of our staff collecting milk
Jono's birthday cake made with much love
Yay me for making it across this rope bridge!
Cute huh?
Our Wisteria in bloom - love them!

Thanks for looking!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Team Up Thursday

This week's theme, chosen by Cat, is Spring

First up, as always, Cat:

I love Spring, as I am so a Summer girl. But my favorite part of Spring, without a doubt, is my courtyard garden tha is filled stock full or Irisses. When I took a picture about 2 weeks ago of a single Iris for my project 365, there were only a few open, Now it is a mass of purple

How stunning in this photograph?

And mine:

When Cat suggested Spring as our theme for this week, my initial thought, as most people's would be, was to photograph flowers - isn't that the epitomy of spring?  SO i did.  But then this evening on the way up our drive i noticed this newborn calf sleeping quietly - and that's when I knew he would be my Spring photograph.  Calving and spring go hand in hand, here on our farm, as does lambing.  But if there is one thing I cannot resist, it is a newborn calf.  They are just so cute.  Long gangly legs, big mouths and all soft and fluffy.   Not your traditional 'spring' photo - but i love it!

And now, go and visit the other teams who play along with us weekly and give them some feedback!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sept 7 - 14

My week in pictures:

Our lemon tree doesn't seem to enjoy providing us with lemons - so i was very surprised to find this one.
Peanut Butter Toast and Richard Scarry make up breakfast time
 She absolutely loves playing with 'chocolate' mud
 My gorgeous Snow Globe all the way from Switzerland
Time on the beach
I love it when my girls get so spend time with their Aunt

Oats cooking and the kettle warming on the Aga - every morning.
 Uncle Basil checking on the NWGA Rams.

And that friends, was my week in pictures.  Thanks so much for stopping by!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Team Up Thursday

This weeks subject 'Connection' was chosen by myself.

First up, as always, is Cat:

When Shayne sent the word "connection" as our subject I had all sorts of technological connections in mind. But one picture I took two Saturdays ago kept running in the back of my mind. A connection, of the family variety. These two are cousins and although you can see a family resemblance this picture is almost uncanny in how much the family genes run.

And mine:

When i chose connection (from my picture last week) i had visions of taps/electrical somethings.  Not sure what.  But when I sat and reviewed the photo's i'd taken after a visit from Grandma & Grandad, I knew that this would be my 'connection' photo.  This little girl of mine completely adores her 'Ma'.  She becomes her shadow and nothing is too much effort for Ma when she has her littlest grandchild with her.  I often think that she is by far the fav of the grandchildren - but that wouldn't be fair now would it!  Back to the photo - am sure that you can all see the connection between these two - and it warms my heart that this Grandma adores my child as she does.

It would appear, that 'great minds think alike' with this weeks theme?  I love how Cat and I are just so in-tune with each other - I love having her as my partner - thanks skat!

And now, go and visit the other teams who play along with us weekly and give them some feedback!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Aug 30 - Sept 6

My week in pictures:

Thanks for looking xx

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Team Up Thursday

The theme for this week's TUT is Old - chosen by Cat.

Cat's first:

"I picked old/antique for his week as Shayne's picture of last week had that feel to it. I was planning to get my Dad's old single lens reflex camera out and taking a picture of it, but never got around to it. So I am recycling this one. Taken at Van Gaalen Cheese farm this skeleton of a piano is just so sad - all dusty and broken. I can imagine how it used to be played years ago - maybe in a bar  - I can see the cowboys and can-can girls or similar in the Johannesburg mine canteens. It just has personality."

And mine:

When Cat chose Old for this week I knew I wouldn't have a problem finding something old, as there are so many unused and discarded equipment round our farm.  The question was finding the right one.  This is the electrics and odometer from an ancient grader on our farm.  I almost think that it would look better as a black and white photo - but i took it in colour.

Thanks for looking and don't forget to pop over and see what the other Teams have been up to:

Happy snapping!