This week's theme, as chosen by Cat is 2010 Soccer Spirit:
I chose the theme 2010 Soccer Spirit as today is the day before the opening ceremony and kick-off. I really took so many pictures over the week for this one - flags, kids in soccer shirts, vuvuzelas etc, but this one somehow remains my favorite as the colours are just so vibrant. This street seller apparently only sells South Africa supporters items and no other country's but you can literally get anything for any country for sale on your local street corner.
Thanks Cat - stunning stunning pic. You and I definately are on the same page because that is exactly the image I was hoping to capture whilst in EL on Tues!
And mine:
When Cat suggested 2010 Soccer Spirit as this weeks' topic - I thought 'great topic, but where do I capture soccer fever in my small dorpie (town)? I had a whack of plans, none of which materiliased. This shot did though, which was by fluk (accident) and I'm completely thrilled with it! My eldest daughter was obviously having a Soccer moment, and I caught her loafing on the couch, completely mesmerised by whatever was on the TV, with all her soccer paraphenalia around her. I just love the vibrancy of the colours and her idle fiddling with the flag (on a pencil!). So although there may be no Soccer Fever in our small farming town - there sure is in our house!
Please pop over to the other participants in Team Up Thursday to see their pics!
Great Great Great - let the games begin!!!! WOW those colours in your photos are brilliant - and the theme soooooo fitting this week.
Love both photos - well done - soccer world championship - here we goooo.
I love it Shayne...that is such a stunning pic of D.
I have just been googling mexican recipes. LOl. Great minds thinkalike etc.
You guys did an awesome job.
Great picture girl! Love all the colour s- we did well I think.
Please will you join in on the new challenge ( another camera one )
12 on the 12th
You take photo's to show your day on the 12th of every month and then post 12 of your best ones showing your day....a few can have parts of your body, like your hand holding a mug of coffee...your feet walking somewhere...get the idea.
I am having a logo made right now and if you are keen will post it to you be Saturday evening so that you have it for Sunday..
Let me know if you keen...
And if any of your friends are...your TUT partner as well.
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