Thursday, August 5, 2010

Team Up Thursday

This week's theme, chosen by Cat is 'Circle/s'
Just after the idea of choosing "circle" came to mind I started seeing circles everywhere, in everything. I took quite a few, but this one from Sunday remains my favorite. 6 Circles, at least. Bright and friendly. My kids just love to run around with their "cars".

And mine:

I had actually taken another photo for this challenge, but yesterday afternoon when my littlest was playing with her water balloons i thought i'd snap a pic.  And this is what it is.  Completely different from my original photo, but i love the vibrancy of the colours and the clarity of the water droplets.  Seems having little children comes in quite handy when needing photographic material!

Thanks for looking and don't forget to pop over and see what the other Teams have been up to:

Happy snapping!


Lynette Jacobs said...

I LOVE bright and colourful...both of them.

Andrea said...

both shots are stunning....kiddies can be very useful for photo fodder lol.

cat said...

I just love your picture my friend.

tania said...

super cute and colourful!
great job!

Stefanie said...

Love the colours and the drops pf water and the translucent nature of the balloons.
Well done.