I love this blog. Hayley is just divine. As is her blog. I cannot remember how I first found her, but i do know that she was one of the first blogs that I started reading - and well, 2 yrs later, still am - so she must be good?
I love her honesty. Her vivaciousness. Her humour. Her love of her family. Her love of Christmas! Her stunning photos. Her love of food (
Woolies Vegetable Crisps in particular) - and and and. She is so bubbly and fun and absolutely gorgeous (to look at too!).
But I love that she is really just documenting her life. It's her diary. Her keepsake - but she shares it with us too.
Here is an 'interview' with Hayley:
Myself described in three words:
Proudly South African Girl (Can we pretend the ‘South African’ is one word. Thanks.)
My blog described in three words:
My ordinary life.
I blog because:
I want to remember. Not just the important things, but the mundane everyday stuff. What started off as a way for family and friends to keep up with our lives, has now turned into a journal of sorts
If my life had a theme song, it would be:
Bloody hell Shayne...how am I meant to pick just one…that’s impossible. Will have to skip this question, else you will be posting this only next year.
If I were a super hero my power would be:
The ability to slow time down. Life seems to be whizzing by…and I just want to slow it down…
At this very moment I’m craving:
A holiday, any holiday…I am not taking leave this over Christmas this year…and now I am jealous.
Things making me smile at the moment:
Christmas…I am a mad freak about Christmas and everything that goes with it. The rain that is currently pouring down outside. Looking up from my desk and seeing the skyline of the Jozi CBD. I love my city. My husband…he always makes me smile (cheesy I know).
So, go, do yourself a favour and set aside some time to read her blog.
You won't regret it, I promise!