Thursday, September 12, 2013

Week In the Life 2013

I ummhed and aaahed for a long time about doing WITL 2013 for a very long time.  I wondered if i'd be able to stick to it, if my life wasn't just a little bit too tedious right now, and if i/we really had a story to tell.  After all, what really happens here in the second week of September.

But once I saw all the WITL posts popping up everywhere, the pics in Instagram, and Ali's own pic's, I knew I had to do it.

Monday there were very few pics.

But here we are.  Mon to Wed done and dusted.  I bought the Templates last night and love the simplicity of my pages.  Nothing earth shattering, but they capture our daily life.  And of course the arrival of our new puppy!

My only sadness is that D is not in these pics.  Being away at hostel can be a real bummer at times.  So i've asked her to take pics, and i'll do an extra day dedicated to the Life of a Hostel Student.  Fun!

SO here we go.

Thanks for looking (and i hope i've maybe inspired you to join in?

Happy Thursday :)


Lynette Jacobs said...

It is beautiful. You always have a story to tell.

Ordinarylife said...

Absolutely gorgeous!

cat said...

Oh I love this!