Sunday, February 14, 2010

Feb 8 - 14

Another week.  Not the most exciting pics to share, but pics nontheless.

My eldest's home away from home
Fondant icing toppers for my Valentine Cupcakes
 The 50yr old oak tree in our garden, that was planted by my in-laws when they married, that now serves as a jungle gym for my girls
She is scooter crazy at the moment (and the less she is wearing the better!)
How cute are these Valentine Cuppies?
 A (rare) moment of sisterly love
My Valentines Cards from my family

And that my dear readers, was my week in pictures.  

Hope you were all spoilt with lots of love and quality time with your loved ones today.

Thanks for looking.


Stefanie said...

Love the 11th one best of all.
You are so great at this.

Unknown said...

moms of girls experience life so differently... its nice to watch.

Lynette Jacobs said...

I love all your pics Shayne...but I love the one with O in her broeks on the scooter and the one of O & D in embrace just made me go all mushy:)

I'm so not a blogger said...

i just love how you manage to make the ordinary look extraordinary! (hope that is correct spelling)


tania said...

don't of stop here. . . but these photos are the best!