Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Dec Daily 1-8

This is the first time I have done a December Daily. I tried last year, but with being away and being completely unorganised I just didn't get it right.

This year I have decided to go super simple.  I am using Ali Edwards December Daily Overlays, together with her Holiday Word Art, Holiday Phrases, From the Kitchen 1,2 & 3 and also some of Katie Pertiet's gorgeous goodies.

I bought a few canvas 6x6 albums some time back and haven't had the opportunity to use them.  I thought this was the perfect time.  They are covered in a cream/red floral pattern and will work well, i think.  I'm going to print all my photo's (once overlayed etc) 5.5" x 4" which will leave just a small space for the journalling.  This should work fine as I don't think I need to journal everything that happens every day in Dec. I'll just capture the essence of the photograph.  One photo, 2 lines of journaling and perhaps some embellishments added once the photo has been printed and pasted onto a 6"x 6" cardstock.

Here are my photographs for Dec 1 - 7:







Day 8 i've simply printed out December 8 Daily Overlay onto cream cardstock and will journal what I did today (not much apart from scrapping, catching up on my sleep as i'm suffering seriously from insomnia at the moment and worrying if i've chosen the right colour paint for my house!).

If you have any questions i'll help where i can.

Oh, btw, all the Ali Edwards & Katie Pertiet goodies are available from Designer Digitals.

Thanks for looking.


I'm so not a blogger said...

Love this idea! Wish I had enough creativity or inspiration to do such a thing. Maybe il give it a go next year;-)


Lynette Jacobs said...

I love your header! Great pics Shayne...this time of the year I don't have the energy to do anything like this....so I salute you:)

Ella Swan said...

Looks doable over the silly season - I love the concept of a December Daily but found it heavy going last year TBH...now I need to know which paint you have chosen - I like the middle one! and had a chuckle at Santa - not exactly a happy chappy - perhaps he was baking in the heat in that suit?!

Stefanie said...

I am coveting those overlays.
Typical me I am trying to achieve that look with freebies and it just isn't quite the same.
Love your takes though.
Maybe simpler is better, me thinks.