Sunday, March 14, 2010

Mar 8-14

My week in pictures.  Apologies for all the baked goods in these pictures, but in the kitchen is where I have been!

The Completed Technology Project (holds 75kg i might add)
Black Forest Cuppies
Beautiful Table Decor
The Birthday Boy
My first attempt at Chocolate Meringues
Love the mid-air jump
Flapjacks courtesy of my eldest for breakies this morning
Thanks for looking - let's hope next week finds me outdoors just a little bit more!


I'm so not a blogger said...

breakfast looks good!


Lynette Jacobs said...

Your darling little girl really lives with a shows in each pic of her.

Anonymous said...

meringues could be a reason for a whole new business card. can you imagine choc pavlova cases. with icecream, fudge sauce and pecan nuts... now you're talking......