Sunday, February 28, 2010

Feb 22 to end

The last week of Feb - i remember typing how quickly January had passed us by - seems Feb is headed the same way!

My week, in pictures:

 My eldest starting her Technology project
 A beautiful tree on my neighbour's farm
Lady in Red
These 2 are becoming firm friends
Tea with Chrissie
I finally managed to capture this remarkable little boy.

And with that we end February.  Let's hope that March is a good month and it brings LOTs of rain to keep Dh happy.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Feb 15-21

Herewith my last week in pics.  Today I took the day off and sat pfaffing at my pc and had a ball.  Hope you enjoy the pics!

Too many photos of this little girl!
Much needed rain
Nothing like a good cuddle
My littlest and her granny
My new hair
My Christening Cupcakes
How completely gorgeous are these little works of art?
The Menu for the Christening Tea
Thanks for looking and here's to a good week ahead.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Feb 8 - 14

Another week.  Not the most exciting pics to share, but pics nontheless.

My eldest's home away from home
Fondant icing toppers for my Valentine Cupcakes
 The 50yr old oak tree in our garden, that was planted by my in-laws when they married, that now serves as a jungle gym for my girls
She is scooter crazy at the moment (and the less she is wearing the better!)
How cute are these Valentine Cuppies?
 A (rare) moment of sisterly love
My Valentines Cards from my family

And that my dear readers, was my week in pictures.  

Hope you were all spoilt with lots of love and quality time with your loved ones today.

Thanks for looking.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Feb 1-7

So, the first week of Feb has come and gone.  Before you know it so will February itself!  A wee peek into my life the last week:
DH starting to build our Chicken Hokkie
Shoes left at the front door
Our Antique Writing Desk (made by DH's Grandfather) that functions as my desk at the mo (becoz it is in the lounge)
A signpost on our farm road
My sister's blog post on Fri nominating me as a Phenomenal Woman
The temp gauge in my car, showing the outside temperature to be 35deg (at 15h30 yesterday arvi)
My eldest biting into the Red Velvet Cupcakes I tried out today.

Thanks for looking!