Monday, July 25, 2011

Let it Snow

A few pics captured today when we woke to a winter wonderland.

My snow covered nook
Our farm
My beautiful plane tree
Tasting the snow
Our trampoline
An ordinary farm gate becomes beautiful
Our snowman
Thanks for looking!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Bales and more Bales

Sadly I have not kept up at all with my Project 365.  But I am still taking a million photo's, just not everyday.  So after being out in the fields yesterday with farmer husband, I thought I would change my photo blog slightly.  I'm going to be sharing our life on the farm - in photo format.  Pics that you city dwellers rarely get to see, yet I get to experience on a daily basis.  So going to share with you.

The journey starts today with hay baling season.  Basically farmer husband mows, rakes and bales the long grass from 'resting' camps to be used during the winter months.

Here are some pics.

 Part of our farm
 Waiting to be loaded
Farmer Husband done for the day

Thanks for looking :)

Friday, January 7, 2011

2011 Project 365

I ummed and aahed about doing this again in 2011, but the truth of the matter is that I have SUCH fun taking the photos, and deciding which should be 'the' pic of the day, that not to do it would cause me more angst than actually doing it!

So here we go again, my first captures for 2011:
And just for the fun of it, some of my recent captures whilst vacationing at Kei Mouth - enjoy!
 New Years Day breakfasts
 Lunch & Coffee at the local pizza park
 Lazy evenings at the river
Glorious glorious watermelon - food for the soul!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Goodbye 2010

Am so behind in my Proj 365, so I thought a fitting way to end this year, and this space, would be to post the last 3 weeks.

Thanks for looking and journeying through this year with me.

 At times I was unsure that I would be able to complete this challenge, but I did.  I did miss a few days, but i reckon 360 out of 365 isn't too bad for my first time.  I loved having an *excuse* to take photos, loved capturing moments that I otherwise wouldn't have.

So bring on 2011 - and another year of beautiful captures.